Hey guys! Thank you again for the FDK.

It has been progressing - but remember how part 8 turned into part 8 and 9? Well, part 13 turned into 13-15 and isn't done yet *sigh*. I think I can wrap it up in 15... Then the next 3 are done after that.

Ann - Clark is unforgettable isn't he? And she doesn't even know about the flying yet wink . He surprised me yesterday with something about the Arctic - and yes, he has been there a lot, especially in the early days - but no, there's no secret lair or anything.

Michael - I promise - the only ones I threw out of deck one when I drew them were the 'say something about anything' ones [because I didn't know what to have them say] and the ones like the musical instrument one [I left one in] because they didn't help at all. Deck 2 was stacked totally against Clark wink .

Beth - thank you! He does tell her soon... but as we've discovered with "Above Alt Else", soon is a relative term wink .

Elisabeth - that is a good image - I never thought about him taking the letters with him because I thought of him reading them somewhere the day before - maybe even back at the farm or something. I did add something to a section coming up with Lois thinking about what might happen if she met someone now that she's married - we'll also find out a little bit more about Lois' views on marriage in general.

Alisha - SLIGHTLY FRUSTRATED!?!? Okay - the second part you sent helped. Some. A little bit. I'm going to need more soon - I sent you those smoochies you wanted!!! devil

Laura - thank you smile .

Yes, Clark's revelation is coming as are more of Lois' views about relationships/marriage in general - though I'm not sure how soon on those - but soon.

Thanks again! Look for part 6 late tonight Midwest time.
