Hmmm. When I posted, I wasn't thinking of the possibility that a huge flock of passenger pigeons may actually have made it from Clark's universe to our own. Now I'm thinking about the weird fact that the pigeons were seen off the coast of Norway. I don't associate passenger pigeons with Scandinavia at all. But I seem to remember that way back when, when I read the stories of Jules Verne, Verne said something about a huge underwater vortex off the coast of Norway. I think that this vortex swallows up and kills Verne's ambiguous hero, Captain Nemo. Maybe there really is such a vortex off of Norway, and maybe it can't just swallow up and suck down stuff, but maybe it can disgorge it and spit it out, too?

Captain Nemo\'s world

The vortex off of Norway? The link to another world?
