The second new chapter in two days! razz But most people won´t realize what this video really means.

It was a flock of birds, one so massive that it seemed to stretch for miles, and it was descending toward the ship.
The sailors took one look at the descending horde and immediately headed for the safety of the enclosed deck cabin. The view of the camera changed, pitched back and forth as it too headed for the cabin.
The view changed as the door was slammed behind the cameraman, and the camera whirled around.
The flock descended in its hundreds of thousands, and as more and more birds landed on the deck, the cameraman zoomed in on one of them.
I had a Hitchcock feeling when I was reading this! clap
But in the video it seems to be around Norway. Is there more than one connection between the universes? Has the connection stayed open all the time or is it a new one? What is happening there?

She’d stared at the bird for a long time. According to her father, it had been the last of its kind and with its death had come the extinction of its entire species. She’d felt sad at the thought of just how alone that bird must have been, trapped in a cage to the very end of its life.
No being should have to be that alone.
They’d named the bird Martha, and she was the last of the passenger pigeons. She’d died in 1914.
I didn´t know about passenger pigeons before, but it´s so sad. Just one of so many extinct species in the world and it´s always the same reason: Humans! Sometimes it makes me so angry at my own species... mad

He hated being reminded just how alone he was in the universe. He’d been isolated, first by what he was, and then by his parents’ deaths. He’d been forced to hide himself from everyone, which had left him even more alone.
So alone... like Martha the passenger pigeon. The last of his kind... like the pigeon. And kept locked up like the pigeon... by Lana. Break the cage, Clark!
Simply wonderfully written, Shayne! love
How will he find her? Is he already tuned in to her heartbeat or to her voice, perhaps calling "Help"? Of course she will not call him personally, but will he be able to hear her? What do you have in stock to get these two back together?

She opened the door and switched on her lights, ready to call out to the man who had helped her brother. When Cyrus was better, he’d want to know the man’s name. Stepping onto the front porch, she peered out into the darkness.
The man was now standing on her sidewalk looking up at down the darkened street. His eyes met hers, and he smiled.
A moment later he was rising into the air.
As Mavis stared, he disappeared into the heavens.
Slowly she stepped back into her house and closed the door.
An angel for Mavis... now she will believe her brother´s fairytale story! But I´m a little bit disappointed because you don´t show her reaction to this. On the other hand Clark now shows his abilities for the third time to strangers without much hesitation. In the beginning of this chapter he still didn´t want to reveal himself to Mavis. A big leap for Clark, it seems he has stopped keeping his power hidden! A good sign!

Next chapter, please, soon! grovel grovel grovel