You have no idea how angry I am at Clark right now. grumble Unfortunately, his attitude is far too typical, but shows little understanding of the needs of his deaf child. Actually he's more gracious than most. You would be horrified to know the percentage of parents of deaf/HOH children who learn sign language. One wonders how they communicate at all. Although the world is designed around hearing people, it's exhausting to lip-read. Plus there are some sounds that look the same externally, so the lipreader has to guess which sound is intended. While an adult has the vocabulary to accomplish this task, I doubt that Jory does. Add to that Clark's standoffish behavior, and you make this reader very mad. Bah!

The picture you drew of Jory padding down the hall in his blanket sleeper carrying Mr. Chocolate Bear was priceless. How sweet of him to reach out to Lois, wanting to feel her voice as he drifted back to sleep.
