Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Elisabeth FDK: Above Alt Else 11/? - 04/04/08 12:38 PM
You have no idea how angry I am at Clark right now. grumble Unfortunately, his attitude is far too typical, but shows little understanding of the needs of his deaf child. Actually he's more gracious than most. You would be horrified to know the percentage of parents of deaf/HOH children who learn sign language. One wonders how they communicate at all. Although the world is designed around hearing people, it's exhausting to lip-read. Plus there are some sounds that look the same externally, so the lipreader has to guess which sound is intended. While an adult has the vocabulary to accomplish this task, I doubt that Jory does. Add to that Clark's standoffish behavior, and you make this reader very mad. Bah!

The picture you drew of Jory padding down the hall in his blanket sleeper carrying Mr. Chocolate Bear was priceless. How sweet of him to reach out to Lois, wanting to feel her voice as he drifted back to sleep.

Posted By: gr8shadesofElvis Re: FDK: Above Alt Else 11/? - 04/04/08 12:52 PM
Jory's going to die???! What?? And also, No!! Poor Clark. mecry
Posted By: MrsMosley Re: FDK: Above Alt Else 11/? - 04/04/08 05:07 PM
Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: Above Alt Else 11/? - 04/04/08 05:51 PM
Poor Jory frown . He probably doesn't know he's going to die [WHY?!?!], just knows that his Dad doesn't connect with him. I can understand Clark wanting to insulate himself, but it's still inexcusable, IMO. Kids *need* that connection for however long. It's not fair to Jory - none of it is, but especially that - just to spare Clark some pain later. I remember reading about studies done in NICUs or something - babies who were held and touched and loved on did MUCH better than those who were only handled in the course of duty. As for Clark, the pain of realizing he never knew his own child later will be even worse once it's all over though he probably doesn't realize that right now. And if Jory does survive, he's missed out on how many years of being close to his son.

So Lana isn't Jory's mom and Clark was quite offended at the suggestion [at least that's the impression I got]. So why does he need to find her? And what does the chemicals from the one plant have to do with it? Is that part of the reasons for Jory's problems? Who is Jory's mother?

Until you tell us otherwise, I'm assuming that Clark *is* Jory's bio dad rather than adoptive or something, though I suppose that's still a possibility [or a clone or something].

So next part... tonight?
Posted By: sunrei Re: FDK: Above Alt Else 11/? - 04/04/08 07:12 PM
Originally posted by carolm:
So next part... tonight?
There is a saying that tells us if we ask, we shall then receive... Who am I to counter that?
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Above Alt Else 11/? - 04/05/08 12:11 AM
I'm so behind on my FDK, so it's not fair that you posted part 12 before I had time to comment on part 11!

I still love it! Love, love, love it. I particularly love seeing Lois like this. This is my favorite Lois. She has a no-nonsense exterior and a heart of gold. And she is completely unimpressed by her own pure-heartedness, so that she doesn't even realize herself what a wonderful person she is.

I can completely buy this Clark, too. It is important for me that Clark is good enough to be a good Superman. He just have to be that. But I can completely believe it if he is screwing up his private life and his private relationships. I find this quite believable in important men who shape the fate of the world. They have all these concerns about huge and important matters, and juggling their private lives, and being there for those who love them... well, it may just be too much.

I'm not saying that Clark won't come around. I think he will. But I'm not at all surprised at his attitude. I found it quite moving that he would suddenly be "off duty" as Superman at certain hours because he had to be there for his son. It's so typical, too, that he wouldn't ask Lois for help with Jory so that he could leave home himself and carry out rescues. I think many men feel that they must fix everything themselves. Clark wouldn't know how to ask for help. He would find it just too embarrassing. So I loved it that Lois came to help on her own.

So much of this chapter was so moving. It was heartbreaking to hear that Jory was deteriorating and that he was perhaps going to die. But now you must excuse me for airing one of my pet peeves again, but the thing is that I'm not too worried about Jory, because he is a little boy. In my opinion, there is nothing our culture finds more appealing than little boys. Little girls don't come close. That's why little girls - and certainly slightly older young girls - are killed quite often in popular movies, in crime stories etcetera. Little boys are so rarely killed in movies and stories. I think most people find the death of an innocent little boy just too intolerably heartbreaking. And that is why I feel really quite confident that Jory is going to be okay.

[Linked Image]

The whole description of how Lois took care of Jory, how she spoke to him while he held his hand on her throat and enjoyed the vibrating sensation of her larynx, how she made up a couple of stories on the spot (about herself as a Princess in Metropolis laugh ) to make him fall asleep - stories that he didn't understand a word of, of course, except that he enjoyed the buzzing sensation of her throat - and then how he fell asleep snuggled in her arms - it was all just wonderful.

I loved this:

Lois was lying on her back on top of the covers and Jory was soundly sleeping snuggled on her chest. The sight oddly warmed him in a way he'd never experienced before. It also piqued a mild sense of guilt that was altogether unpleasant. He turned away from the bed and walked to the bathroom.
Poor Clark. I do feel sorry for him.

He loved the little boy – he knew that, even though he had never been able to admit as much aloud without great struggle. Clark had learned to guard his heart and to keep his trust focused on himself, and loving Jory was like strapping himself to a timed bomb. He was determined to find a way to stop the inevitable, but to his shame, somewhere deep down he had already conceded defeat. Jonathan JorEl Kent – the child named for two fathers stronger than Clark ever could be - was going to die.

And not being able to stop it was killing Clark.
Oh, poor Clark!!

(But Jory isn't going to die. He is an innocent little boy, and in the world of fiction, such beings don't die.)

But Lois didn't know the stakes. She didn't walk around afraid of the intersection between past and future, between love and loss, and between hate and obsession. She walked in with an open mind and heart and had been able to wrap her arms around a little boy who desperately craved the touch Clark had been unable – and unwilling – to give.
Well, Clark is going to change his mind, and soon, too. Isn't he himself going to hold Jory during the rest of the night.

Hmmm. I've been saying that Jory certainly isn't a clone. Now I'm not so sure. Clark's way of talking of Lana seemed odd. She is not Jory's mother, but she is the only one who can possibly save him? Either she is his mother, and then Jory possibly might need a transplant of some sort from Lana's body in order to survive. But if she isn't his mother... maybe she is the one who made a clone of Clark, maybe the clone is Jory, and maybe Jory is deteriorating the way clones often do? And maybe, maybe Lana could come up with a way to stop the deterioration, if she is an expert on cloning?

[Linked Image]

Dolly the sheep. A clone that died before its time.

This is hugely fascinating and beautifully written!


EDIT: I just remembered a Lois and Clark story where their little son died. So maybe I shouldn't be too confident about Jory.
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Above Alt Else 11/? - 04/05/08 03:25 AM
Moving, truly moving.

And just what is going on with Jori?

Posted By: Ank. K. S. Re: FDK: Above Alt Else 11/? - 04/05/08 09:58 PM
I didn't want to be right about Jory's condition frown , but this explains so much about Clark.

The more capable a person is (especially physically), the more difficult it is to accept helplessness.

thumbsup thumbsup thumbsup

Going to read the next part.. what a treat! laugh
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