They're the favorite food of Tasmanian devils." He grinned at her. "I'm in the Tasmanian devil cabin."
Too cute! Of course, Clark is the first one to flirt. He's good at it, too.

"Daddy's leaving."

Clark's opened wide.
Poor Lois. It's always heartbreaking when a marriage breaks up. When it breaks up at such an ultradramatic age, it feels even worse. (And I'm certain that Clark's eyes or mouth opened wide. Also, his heart broke wide open.)

Before he knew what he was doing, he turned to her and brushed his lips across hers.

It was short, that first kiss, but with it came the promise of friendship. They would be miles apart, but deep down each knew that they would always have someone else they could count on.
How bittersweet. Their first kiss isn't just full of promise, but also that they will try to be there for each other through the pain.

She'd probably never hear from him again, but for six weeks, he'd been the best friend she'd ever had.
How sad that she is already jaded.

I like the story, Carol. I'm so glad you're posting already. I wish I could say the same, but I can't seem to get the first part right. During Kerth season I set it aside, but maybe there's hope for next week.
