What a part! I somehow missed it the until I read part nine just now and couldn't understand what was going on.

Anyway, Lois finds out that Clark has superpowers. Wow. She drives out to Smallville not to expose him, but to give him Anthony West's lost manuscript and to tell him that he has to stop running. WOW!!! And Lois finds out that there is a small boy in the Kent home who looks exactly like Clark... wow!!!! Would the kid be a clone? Possibly, but that doesn't seem like the most obvious explanation to me. Making a clone isn't all that easy. Who would have made a clone of Clark? And why? Making a baby the old-fashioned way is so much easier. But if the kid is Clark's son, who is the mother? And what happened to her?

I also really, really liked how Lois told Clark off. He hasn't been behaving all that nicely, and someone should tell him off for all the bad things he has done to Lois in the comics and the moives... Okay, I'm kidding! I guess I'm kidding. I'm not altogether sure I'm kidding. I enjoyed seeing Lois tell Clark off, that's for sure!

And Patrick, that Kevin Carter story was true? Incredible! Thanks for telling me. And what a great inspiration that had been to Lois, to remind her not to treat the subjects of her work heartlessly or cruelly.

Well, holy sh*t, altogether! It was a fantastic part.
