“Holy sh*t.”
Is right. Wow, that was so powerful. I liked your story before, but now I'm totally enamored by it. I absolutely cannot wait for the next act. There is just soooo much good stuff here.
“I’m going to sit down. I think you should join me.”

The no-nonsense tone in the woman’s voice commanded Lois the way Clark’s anger hadn’t been able. ...

"you and I know that the mother is really the one who protects the house.”
Go mamma bear! I love Martha and you've written a very intriguing version of her. Lois has always had good instincts, but here we see just how good Martha's are as well. It looks like she's going to trust Lois. And that's just fantastic.

She irrationally hoped that this meek farm housewife wasn’t a closet member of the NRA.
LOL rotflol

Suddenly, Lois realized that the little boy in the picture was not Clark, but his son. They looked so much alike at that age that the resemblance was astounding. “Wow.”
Clone seems likely. I'm thinking in this universe, Clark probably told Lana about himself and instead of keeping his secret, she told someone with the scientific interest and technology to do it. Bad, bad Lana!

The conversation between Clark and Lois was so wonderfully angsty. It's a bit of a stretch for me to listen to Clark talk with so much anger, disrespect and condescension, but it in in character for the changes you've made. I'm so glad that Lois slammed the brakes and set him straight. Wow on the Kevin Carter story and OMG at that picture. How heartbreaking.
She tossed her wallet into the back seat. “So, I’m going to have to refute your argument on the basis that your facts suck. You should think about getting new sources. And here’s a news flash for you: if you don’t want people to think you have a secret, you shouldn’t act like you have something to hide.”
Had to quote the whole thing 'cause it was so freakin' brilliant! So Lois and too right. Methinks that the last line might just inspire the lunkhead to put on the colorful costume and go public, but I'm not sure how the little boy will change things.

I'm hoping that we get just a bit more from Clark's thinking in act two, especially since at some point during the drive he seemed to think Lois deserved to have proof of her suspicions. And of course, to rub his abilities in her nose a little.

Please don't take too long to post the next part. grovel