More, more, more! (Channeling Dickens' "Oliver Twist' here): "Please, sir, I want some more!"

This fic has me on the edge of my chair and I'm checking daily for updates. (Probably I shouldn't, as a watched pot never boils!)

I'm really enjoying the way you show Lois' suspicion, and how logical it is, bit by bit, that Clark is slowly convincing her of his point of view. Right now she's just at the point where she's failing to call, or choosing not to call, the authorities. It'll take a while to get the Lois & Clark partnership that we know and love! I'm counting on the Lane curiosity and hard work to make things happen.

The scary parts are the real world parts - they're all too *real*. Unfortunately in this day and age, people can be held without charge or trial, as you're describing. That (and other things) are the truly frightening parts of this fic.

I hope that Clark will be an inspiration to our world as well (at least in this fic). God knows that right now we need a Superman.