Great follow-up, Rogue. Nor's paranoid reaction was perfect. And I think you nailed Ching and Zara and Trey, too. Their cynical response to Nor's minions killing each other to worm their way into Nor's nonexistent good graces was just right. And their decision to let it happen? Priceless.

This was excellent.
Ching smiled even bigger, “The nice thing about trying to save out enemies is that when we succeed we can enjoy our success and when we fail...well...we can enjoy the repercussions.”

“It’s not very nice of us, pleasuring in other’s loss...” she persisted.

“Yes, Zara,” Trey admitted sadly, “we must accept that in our failings we are villains.”
This was both funny and very telling. Trey, being the oldest, wisest, and most experienced of all the characters in these three quickies, knows that people aren't perfect, and he understands that each one of us has the potential to be something other than a hero all the time.

Assignment completed with honors, Mr. Chip. Congratulations to you and your IMF team on a job well done.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing