I agree with Beth; you are a tease. However, considering what we know already about this Lois, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that she's acting even more skeptical than S1 Lois.
Susan Nyugen was one of the best attorneys Lois knew; she’d been Lois’s roommate when she’d gone to Columbia University. They’d gotten along famously. Susan had the same drive and determination that Lois had, with fewer moral qualms....Susan was like a bulldog that didn’t know when to let go, and when she wanted to be, she was annoying as hell.
She sounds like fun; I hope we get to see more of Susan in upcoming chapters.
The horror movie solution it was.
Lois' internal monologue about the movies was funny. laugh
Agent White was ... A distinguished looking man in his early fifties, he’d always reminded her a little of Morgan Freeman.
So we finally know this isn't Perry's counterpart. Maybe he's really God in disguise and he pulled the plane/Clark into this world for his own mysterious purpose? wink

Keep up the good work - I'm really enjoying this one.