I was going to let someone else start this thread for a change, but then I thought 'Nah'! I intend to use up all the synonyms I can!

But I'm going to bed now so you'll have to wait til tomorrow for some words of wisdom (well, words, anyway blush ) from me.

Ps. Have read it; loved it like always; am now waiting for some Kaylie superhero action...

Ok, so it's tomorrow... erm. Did I say nice story? I did, didn't I...

What?? It's not my fault the brain's not working. No, scratch that, it probably is. :rolleyes: Any way, no-one else gets feedback out of me, so consider yourself privileged! Humph.

*gsoe hopes Beth's next story will be rubbish so she doesn't have to try and come up with something useful to say* mecry

When Life Gives You Green Velvet Curtains, Make a Green Velvet Dress.