I enjoyed this thoroughly.

Ann - a couple of things I thought about while reading your post... 'our' Clark didn't develop powers until later, but IIRC [and admittedly the last time I saw the movie was probably in the 1980s], didn't the Chris Reeves Superman lift cars at 2 or so? So not L/C canon but Superman canon that powers can manifest earlier.

And the two timelines... I don't get what you're saying... Kal came to earth at age 4, presumably not too long ago, but that doesn't mean that Lex/Tempus took him from the ship. I'd guess that they didn't get to him until he'd been there several days and that's how he knew about apple pie and that his name is Clark.

At least that's what I thought about those two things anyway.

I'm thoroughly enjoying this and can't wait for more smile .