Thanks to everyone for your wonderful comments. I'm so glad everyone enjoyed it. I have to admit that I'm happier having written it. Standing at the Edge and All Alone were really hard for to write, so this gave me a chance to make it up to my readers and to myself.

First, it looks like I was wrong about not understanding it without having read the fist two. Glad that didn't deter too many people from reading it. smile

I would have liked to see the first time that he saw his son and his son saw him... and the day that his powers came back and the dilemna that presented...
Normally I might agree, but these stories are just snippets and I like to leave most of these types of scenes to the readers' imaginations. It allows them to have the story exactly as they'd like it. And each of those, especially the second suggestion, could be stories all of their own. Stories I'm not going to write. <G>

I had never heard any of the songs that you have based these three stories on and now I love them all, so thank Annie for introducing me to some amazing songs and artist and for these truly beautiful stories.
The only thing that rivals my love for reading and writing, is my love for music. So I'm glad I could share both with you. There are so many songs I hear on the radio that inspire me to think of Lois and Clark's relationship, that eventually I just couldn't pass it up.

I hate it that he missed so much, but what the heck, for the first year or so they're only blobs anyway
ROFTL, Pam!! Blobs! Someday I'm going to tell Michael and Marissa that you said that. <G>

I particularly loved the explanation about why Lois chose to call their son Jack. It was so sweet that she had been set on "Jonathan" at first because it was what Clark would have wanted, then when their son was born he was definitely a Jack. I can see Lois making such an instant decision upon seeing her son.
You know, as silly as this might sound, naming their son was a big reason I put of writing this for so long. I just couldn't decide. I went around and around on it. I didn't want it to be too cliched, but I wanted it to be meaningful. A part of me really wanted to not name him at all (the way I did in AA, just refering to him as "their son" "the boy" etc) but I figured that wouldn't sit too well with the readers, and I didn't want to detract from the story with something so silly. I'm glad this worked.

Thanks again everyone. I really appreciated all the wonderful feedback. It's nice to have our favorite couple back together and happy again.


Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen