I just can't imagine what they were doing upstairs.
I sure wouldn't be adverse to a nfic version of Lois and Clark upstairs when the heat from him in those tights gets to them ... I can't imagine Lois' reaction to him in that outfit for the "first time."
Somehow, I don't think that there's anything wrong with your imagination. wink

I am wondering why Lois seems so familiar to Martha and Jonathan. Is there something we haven't learned yet?
If you have seen a certain episode, which I won't give away here, you will understand how she can be familiar. goofy

But it seems hard to change history, eh? Poor Dr. Platt apparently died again.
He did? I thought Dr Platt was helping STAR Labs with the simulation of the messenger and proving that it was sabotaged. But then, I'm just the author. :p

Hey, Sammy... I didn't know that Lois was that averse to briefs. Maybe they should change the design of the suit this time? Make Superman wear ruby red silky boxers with his blue spandex!! Yay!!!
It's not that she prefers boxers to briefs... It's that he was wearing nothing *but* briefs... *search the gutter for my mind* laugh

Sammy, this is totally priceless!!!
I can only take credit for the lunkheadedness raising its ugly head. The hydra analogy belongs to Lara Joelle Kent. (Take a bow, Mellie!) goofy

And then poor Lois and Clark could hardly use the computer... okay, but how many of us would still remember how to use hardware from 1994? (Reminds me of those space probes that were launched in the 1970s and which have now left the solar system, still broadcasting weakly to the Earth via "digitally stone age" computers that are thirty years old...)
Oh, I know all about "old computers". My work still uses Q&A as its mainframe database. grumble

I just thought I'd let you know that this posting has officially ruined my day. I was getting ready to do some solid work when I stumbled across this on the boards and I was like "Part 14??!!" So then I had to go to the TOC and read the story from the beginning. Needless to say, I did not get my work done.
Uhhh... thank you?

I love this story, and I was overjoyed to see another chapter. But PLEASE don't make us wait so long for the next part!
This is an adorable story, Sammy. Please come back soon with more!
Yay!!! I missed this fic! Wait---December? You are making us wait until december?
This was good, but way too short. I need more. Mooooooore!!! Please hurry back!
So, December, eh? Weeeeelllll... I guess that'll be okay.
And then I found out I have to wait until December to get more. So sad!
I'll try to be quick, but November is packed with two stories that have deadlines so I can't make any promises. Especially since part fifteen doesn't even have one word written yet. frown

Anyway, thanks for giving me an entertaining way to procrastinate.
You are entirely welcome! Thank you all for your kind comments! And now it’s time to get back to work. blush

I was home eating chocolate—cottage cheese.
Chocolate flavoured cottage cheese. It's a new flav—
I was doing my laundry.

—Lois Lane