“Have you lost your mind, Jimmy? Let Kent choose a costume for me? I’m sorry, but I don’t think that attending the Daily Planet’s costume party as a playboy bunny is quite what I had in mind.”
*lol* No, I don't think Lois would want to look like the playboy bunny -- as much as guys would want to see her in that, I'm sure. wink

“Lois, I’m not much into playboy bunnies.”

Lois snickered at that. “You must be from another planet then. I’ve never met a man who wasn’t into playboy bunnies.”
*choking with laughter*

Lois’s teasing smile disappeared. Sighing, she asked, “What’s wrong with the Superman costume?”
Nothing's wrong with it, that's exactly the problem. ROFL!! I love this!!

Good god, she’d picked out a Superman costume for … Superman.
OMG, I'm dying of laughter!!

“If The Dark Knight ever catches wind that I wore a Batman costume for Halloween, I’ll never hear the end of it.” Clark complained as he followed Lois through the revolving doors of the Daily Planet.
Oooh! Batman! smile Heh. He won't be so mad, Clark. In a few episodes, you'll fly out to space to destroy an asteroid and crash land into the Batcave. Ummmm? Sorry, what? That *wasn't* in the actual episode? Really? Man, I think my memory's got holes in it. (*laughs herself silly*)

“I think you look good in black.”
Mmm! We all think the same!!

“If you kiss me like that again, Lois, you can call me anything you like.” Their lips met again, and Lois forgot all about suspenders and straw hats.
Awwwwwwww! that was adorable!!

Excellent, excellent story. Truly and completely loved it!

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies