I haven't read it, yet, (I'm supposed to be teaching school right now, but I'm just sitting back and watching the kids work) but this is too funny. There were 2 responses to the Easy Reader Challenge in the challenge forum. I told the girls there were 2 stories written for them. They wanted to read it right away, but it was too cramped to read where we were--unless all 3 girls wanted to sit on my lap. It took us an inordinately long time to walk upstairs to where my laptop was.

When I finally caught up with the girls, my 5 yr-old was already looking through the list on the Fanfic page.

"I found the ones I can read!" she told me, very excitedly. "Sin and The Picnic."

I thought that was a hoot. Who would write a story named "Sin" for a kindergartener? Now I think its even funnier, knowing The Picnic was an easy reader. I can't wait to read them both!
