This is my favorite quote from this part by far:

My guess is he would have come upstairs to say hello before flying back to Metropolis. That would have been normal behavior. Pretending to be Batman isn't."

"No kidding," Lois whispered under her breath. It was one thing for her to believe that Clark was Batman, once upon a time, but why would Clark ever think something like that? Even if he had landed in the Batcave, what could possibly have led him to believe he belonged there? He was too nice to even fit the Dark Knight's persona. Much too nice.
I completely love how Lois thinks it would be all right for her to believe that Clark is Batman, but not for Clark! Because he is much too nice to ever fit the Dark Knight's persona! I just love her twisted logic here! clap (Annnd... this is a great way of firmly tying this fic to those other stories of yours, "Blind... as a Bat" and "Green, Green glow of the Arrow", where Lois believes that Clark is Batman, or Green Arrow, or some other member of the Justice Leauge - but of course, it wouldn't ever enter her mind that he could be Superman.... laugh )

"Clark!" Lois exclaimed, heart racing and tears stinging her eyes. A hand on her wrist prevented her from running over to the man who stood before them.

"Wait," Bruce ordered, in a low and commanding voice.
I love this too - Lois's complete and instinctive trust versus Bruce Wayne's, the Dark Knight's, ever-present suspicions.

Clark felt as though he'd been struck by a bolt of lightning. The way she had called out to him – he had heard her do it before, he was absolutely convinced. She was the woman he'd seen in a flashback the other day. It was her. She was here and the simple fact that she'd come looking for him was so comforting, so reassuring. He tried to force his brain to remember more, but all he came up with was a name that he wasn't even sure was hers.

"Lois?" he asked, hesitantly.
And I just love this, too. Clark doesn't exactly remember Lois, but he responds to her, and he feels good and happy because she has come looking for him.

But because I'm so overly sensitive to how Lois is portrayed, it pained me that she was unable to make Tim understand what she said to him. I love when Lois goes into full babbling mode when she is trying to tell Clark something that she is embarrassed about, but surely she would be able to control herself in serious situations. How else could she be a world-class reporter? And Vonceil's suggestion that maybe Bruce should explain things to Clark because Lois wasn't up to communicating with him just broke my heart. Say it ain't so, Lara! mecry
