A very interesting story.

There were some really good things in this instalment; like Mayson's admission of her dual feelings for Clark/Superman and her touching on the fact that 'Clark' wasn't really real either.

Still, this instalment had some confusion that needs to be cleared up. First, Mayson suddenly is explaining why she can't 'be with him' to Clark, infering that he was looking for a relationship with her. It seems to come out of left field since Clark has never implied anything more than friendship with Mayson. I think you need a little something from Mayson to bring the conversation to their personal feelings for each other. Maybe something along the lines of Mayson saying that she knows that Clark hasn't actually said that he wanted a relationship with her, but that she has always had deeper feelings for Clark and desperately wanted to be more than just his friend, but that has changed now. Then she can go into her explaination.

The other thing was the reason Clark was there in the first place. He was scheduled to be deposed about the Baby Rage incident, but left without making any statement. Perhaps Mayson can dismiss him by saying that Baby Rage's lawyer would be able to label him as a non-credible witness stating that Clark/Superman has been lying to the public for years, who's to say he isn't lying now. Mayson may not really like Superman, but she doesn't want his veracity to be publicly dragged through court. It would only hurt his ability to help people in the future.

All and all this is a very good story. I'm very interested to see where this can go and how it will everntually effect and impact the lives of 'Clark Kent' and more importantly Lois.

Tank (who thinks that Lois could use a nice haircut as a distancing tool with Clark, but it will backfire because it will make her look that much better to him)