Clarkish - I like that!

That was so sweet.

Over a couple desks, Jimmy Olsen unwrapped his first present, a pack of baseball games and gave a delighted laugh. He hadn’t owned baseball cards in a long time. Ignoring the stack of work mounting beside him, he ripped open the casing and spent the next hour carefully examining each one, unable to keep the grin off his face.
Pack of baseball games?

Jimmy received some really neat gifts and what Clark did for Perry was really thoughtful and awesome.

Gee, for some reason I feel pressure to do better as a Secret Santa this year!! It's a hard thing to do when you don't really know one's co-workers.

Clark Kent hadn’t cared when he hadn’t received a gift, that she was still certain of. But he was devastated when it appeared that his partner hadn’t cared about him enough to even extend an effort.

And when he finally met her eyes and his forced smile faded, Lois felt like the lowest life form on the planet.
AWWW poor Clark. Poor Lois that she is such a icky situation. mecry

Lois shifted anxiously from one foot the other, seemingly wrestling with her conscious.

“I’m sure,” a beat passed and Lois seemed to come to a decision. Standing on her tip-toes, she pressed a light kiss to his cheek. “Thank you Clark.”
Awww, what is she upto!

That’s what I wanted to tell you, I didn’t forget… I have… I have a gift for you, and it’s not just your Christmas gift, because I have that too,” Lois held up the box and gave him a quick smile. “My Secret Santa gift to you, well, isn’t so secret anymore, obviously. But that’s not all, it… you might not want it. And that’s what scares me the most.”
I was thinking, what on Earth did she get/do?! I was hoping she'd do something to show her feelings.

A breeze from the window pushed the paper up against the couch, face up. Lois’ Secret Santa gift for Clark, a gift of three words and yet so much more than that.

“I love you.”
jump that I am all smiles. That's good! I didn't know she'd so something so basic yet something that is SO big!

I'm sad to see it end and I'm happy that you wrote it. Thanks.

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.