I'm with Gr8shades. I think the evil Superman must have been a clone. It could be that someone overpowered the real Superman with Kryptonite, extracted DNA from him while he was vulnerable and then left him for dead. But why would that Superman wear Clark's clothes? Do the persons responsible for cloning him - Luthor??? eek - know that Superman is Clark Kent? Anyway, an evil Luthor-made Superman clone would explain a lot.

I love the sweetness of Lois and Clark's feelings for each other. But of course, I groan at how they are unable to really talk to each other! As always! If they would only tell each other the truth about what they know and what they don't know, and then they could start finding out the truth behind the horrible but dead Superman together.

I love the insistent thread of sweet desire that you keep weaving between Clark and Lois. I'm not necessarily asking you for nfic if you'd rather not write it this time, but I really would like to be told that Clark and Lois finally get together in a way that is not wholly platonic. sloppy

I'm back at work now, so please understand that I don't have a lot of time for feedback. But I love this story.
