Oooh! Thanks for the feedback!!

There's a few things I guess I may not have explained well enough...

- the fireball that crashed through the ground and landed inside a cavern: it's Clark and he's ended up inside the batcave. Which explains why Bruce felt the wave; the batcave is partly below the mansion.

- Bruce is only miserable because he's an invalid now. He feels sorry that he cannot be Batman and help out as he used to. And he's hurt enough that he thinks there's no possible way he'll ever BE Batman again. You'll understand a lot more about him in a later part. For now, all you really needed to know is that he's hurt, he can't move out of his bed and he's frustrated as hell.

Onto the actual FDK. smile

gr8shadesofElvis - thank you!

Although, he's not my favourite, so if you want to break his spine for story purposes that's ok by me.
I didn't break his spine. Bane did. wink That's taken right out of the Batman comics, btw. I didn't make any of it up. He really had his spine broken at one point, back in 1993.

The search only lasted five days??? After all he's done for you people??? Shocking!
Well, I don't know how long they usually do look for missing people, but considering all the resources they put into it, it's likely it wouldn't have lasted too long. This doesn't mean that there aren't people still looking for him, just that the government has decided he couldn't be found.

Now where did Clark get his new costume? Or is it really someone else playing hero and Superman's lying naked in a hole somewhere?
That was more obscure that I wanted it to be. Clark landed in the batcave. ...he did land in a hole and he is naked, if that helps? wink

Vonceil - thanks for the comments! Yes, the boulder was Clark. And.. um.. as to a mourning Lois, you'll see her come up quite a bit before the end, you realize. I'm sorry. But I haven't broken any toys and don't plan to, so she won't mourn for ever. smile

JoJo - smile1
And how embarassed is Clark going to be when he finds out that he couldn't remember Superman but remembered Batman?
Oh, I wouldn't say he exactly remembers Batman... You'll see. <g>

Ann! oooh! I had never read that comic, but I found it on eBay just now, though. hehehe! Thanks for the heads up on that. I expect I should be reading it in 2 to 4 weeks. LOL!
Obviously Clark wakes up in the Batcave, amnesiac, finds and tries on a Batsuit and believes that the cave and suit are his own, and that he himself is Batman!
Yep. Exactly. I knew you'd catch on faster than... oh... a speeding bullet? <g>

Well, I'm going to guess that the utility belt also survived (if nothing else on his costume did--it was bound to be the least destructible part of what Clark was wearing up there) and so, Bruce is partly to blame for Clark's confusion--Wouldn't you think that you were batman if you were wearing the utility belt AND in the bat cave?
<whistles innocently>

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies