help confused I am totally confused! Unless your last post was literally years ago, I must have read parts 1-6, but for the life of me I can't remember them. My fault I assure you - sometimes I just skim things to get the gist without paying too much attention. Bad habit to be broken - gene therapy may be required.

Sweetie is who exactly??? I am baffled! Just don't tell me it's in part 7 cos I'll be ever so blush

Now, Lois had BRAIN SURGERY!!! OMG Is she going to be a vegetable? No, of course she's not. Right? Right?? (unless it's couch potato like me.)

Anyway, I'm hooked now - I love a good hospital drama involving our favourite couple. goofy

Ok, so I have read part 6. From 17 July - not exactly years ago. Problem solved - Sweetie is the clone. Got it filed away for future reference.

When Life Gives You Green Velvet Curtains, Make a Green Velvet Dress.