Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: gr8shadesofElvis FDK: Love Survives 7/? - 08/03/07 11:32 AM
help confused I am totally confused! Unless your last post was literally years ago, I must have read parts 1-6, but for the life of me I can't remember them. My fault I assure you - sometimes I just skim things to get the gist without paying too much attention. Bad habit to be broken - gene therapy may be required.

Sweetie is who exactly??? I am baffled! Just don't tell me it's in part 7 cos I'll be ever so blush

Now, Lois had BRAIN SURGERY!!! OMG Is she going to be a vegetable? No, of course she's not. Right? Right?? (unless it's couch potato like me.)

Anyway, I'm hooked now - I love a good hospital drama involving our favourite couple. goofy

Ok, so I have read part 6. From 17 July - not exactly years ago. Problem solved - Sweetie is the clone. Got it filed away for future reference.
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Love Survives 7/? - 08/04/07 04:51 AM
Good to see you back with this! smile1

I was extremely moved by your portrayal of Sweetie and her death.

Sweetie's voice was little more than a whisper. “Clark?”

“I'm here, Sweetie.”

“I'm so sorry you haven't found Lois yet.”

“Shh. It's okay. Just rest.”

“Thank you for taking me all those places. I'm glad I got to see them.”

“It was my pleasure.”
smile1 smile1

But Lois is in a coma! eek Horror!!! What has happened to her? Has somebody messed around with her brain????

For now, I'm so relieved that Lois is back. But please come back soon and explain what has happened to her. And make her well soon, please!!!!

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