Weee! Feedback!! smile Thanks everyone! I wanted to come back sooner and say thanks, but I've had a couple horrible days -- make that a horrible week if you count the stuff at work. *sheesh* When's the weekend getting here?

Jessi - shoulda known you'd be the first to post. *hugs* luvs ya!

Slightly disturbing mental image of Jimmy dressed up as Robin... dizzy
Erm... Jimmy wasn't dressed as Robin. Clark just put two and two together and figured out that he was. It was easy enough - no one else would ask Bruce Wayne to help them "take care of this." But Robin is bright enough not to show up there dressed as Robin and address Bruce as if he known him by name... That would have blown the man's secret rather easily. I'm sorry that part wasn't obvious.

I'm so glad you liked how I wrote Joker. hehe! I tried to do him justice, but I didn't know if I'd done it just right. He's a hard one to get right. Completely insane, with voices in his head and all that... eeep! I'm glad you think I did a good job. smile

Teehee, you used c'mere!
Yup. Had to. Positively, absolutely had to. And I was thinking of you when I did, too.

Some sneak peeks into things coming your way soon, I promise. Thanks for the comments, Jessi! *hugs*

Ann - thanks! smile I'm glad you had such a good time reading this. I was afraid people would run away from this... It gets weirder and weirder as it goes, so... um... You know, at first, my plan was to do Clark as Batman? But people on the challenge thread told me that it should be Lois, so I gave it to them.

I don't know if I'd be able to give you more Lois/Batman but I *could* try. I can give you the "deleted scene" that comes just before the banquet...

Anyone interested in that? ..before I start writing something people are really going to run away from? *lol*

But no, I am NOT going to do nfic with that. I can make jokes and I can think of some ridiculous scenarios to put them in, but I won't do nfic with these characters, it's just too weird for my head, so don't ask.

Laura - thanks! I'm glad you got a good laugh out of this. Nothing I like more than imagining people giggling over what I've written. Well... ok, that and imagining Clark in a towel. Or none at all. *lol*

Caroline - eyebrows waxed? I'd be afraid he might lose half of one if I put him through that... (*giggles*) Monthly cramps I'd gladly give him, though. Men should definitely have to live through that at least once in their lives!! Thanks for the comments, I'm really thrilled that you liked it!

Capes - I'm tickled pink that you'd like more of it. smile Best I can offer for now is that deleted scene I mentioned above. Unless you come up with a cool challenge idea. *whistles innocently*

DJ - thanks! I'm glad you liked it! I love to know that I can make you guys laugh. YAY!!!

Anna - thank you so much for the comments!

Cat!!! You *know* I was thinking of you when I wrote that line (Catwoman calling him "Brucie") - how could I not? I'm glad you liked this crazy little tale. Thanks!

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies