OMG, Lara!!! I died laughing. Too funny!

<DJ wipes away tears...>

Everyone quoted what I would have quoted. I could have quoted the whole thing, really, it was just so funny.

But then what Caroline said above:

quote:Simply walking in these shoes proved to be a challenge; there was no way he'd ever be able to fight dressed like this, anyhow.

I firmly believe that every man should experience the sheer torture of high heels at least once in his life. I hope you also make him have his eyebrows waxed and give him cramps before the end of the story. [Big Grin]
Cramps!?! LOLSSSS!!! OMG!!! That's great!

Ha... ha... oh goodness. Good stuff...

-- DJ laugh

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.