OOOoh! I get to be first! *squee*!

OK... commenting as I read. smile

"Surgery," Martha repeated in disbelief. "Our boy is in surgery, Jonathan."
*shrieks* Oh no!!!!

The phone began to ring and the clerk spoke rapidly as she reached to answer it. "I don't have that information. Let me get this call and then we'll see if we can have someone from the CCU come talk to you."
This, however, I fully expected. heh.

Not matter how hard he concentrated his feet remained firmly on the ground. What in the world had happened?
Yeah, we'd all like to find out - but I'm sure Sue isn't going to tell us just yet... is she? :p

Lois looked up at the clear blue sky above them. There was no sign of him. It was foolish to think that somehow Superman would have known they were in trouble and shown up.
He does know! And he's there... he's just not *super* at the moment. dammit!!

Clark had been surprised when Lois kicked him off his feet and even more surprised when a bullet had gone through his thigh.
Oh no!!! frown

He had been shot again in the struggle and he could feel this bullet, hot and deep to the bone at the bottom of his right rib cage.
Egads!!!! Poor Clarkie! mecry

His glasses were missing and she wondered just how blind he was without them.
*giggles* maybe now that he's lost them she'll see better, too? hehehe!

Clark was almost angry with her as he contemplated how to get her to leave him there.
Silly man!!! Of course she's not going to leave you there... don't you realize that by now?

"Remember how you said I could ask you anything?" she asked.
Lois, Lois... you can always ask him for anything (I'm sorry, I couldn't help that... *lol* but it's truuuuuue!!!)

There was a bright blue fabric beneath his shirt and her mind seemed to stutter as she tried to make sense of it.
Uh oh...

"Please don't hate me," he said softly.
See, I think she's going to have a fit -- but I kinda expect she'd mostly going to freak out over the fact that he's hurt. Superman is invulnerable. Bullets should bounce off him, not go right through like a hot knife through butter. That's sure to have her completely flipped out.

Can't wait to find out what he "actual" reaction is going to be.

Great part - excellent suspense. smile Had me on the edge of my seat, holding my breath just about the whole time. Loved every second of it!!

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies