Ooooh! I just knew Lois would have some sort of trick up her sleeve! I kinda wanted to think it would have something to do with squibs like in the movies... but this was good.

I LOL'd at the fact that she wore a t-shirt with a bullseye on it. <snort>

And it was nice that Clark was able to extricate himself by himself... but then, only getting there in time to see Lois get shot. Poor Clark! I could feel his heart ripping from his chest when he saw it. He was pushing everyone out of his way to get to her. Poor baby. Ahhh, but then she was okay.

It was so cute how self-conscious Lois still was about her hair - trying to smooth the unruly chopped locks while she was talking to Superman/Clark. smile

And so sweet when she asks where things are going to go from here and he tells her wherever she wants. <waffy sigh>

Awwww, this was so good, Tank. I really enjoyed it! Thanks so much for posting it.

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.