This is one of those days, or possibly weeks, when I'll have absolutely no time for any sort of fancy feedback. So I'll just say: Yay! Great story. I'm glad Clark was able to escape on his own. (Can't let Lois do all the heroics, can we? wink )

I loved that Lois wore two bulletproof vests, and that the thugs only found one of them. I'm glad that Perry and Jimmy were not able to shoot at her. It was amazing when Henderson fired, and Lois seemed to die. It was incredibly cool when Lois was just so happy to see Clark that she didn't remember her own injuries at all, until she suddenly fainted in Clark's arms! Wow, what a heroine!

I'm glad that Lois knew enough about martial arts to protect herself somewhat from Tiger Bennett's horrible punches, though I'm still not convinced that she didn't lay the foundations for an early onset of Alzheimers by agreeing to take part in this match.

I'm glad she talked so cooly about Clark's secret identity and the fact that he lied to her about it. I'm glad that she didn't forgive him straight away, but that she will do it eventually, and probably pretty soon.

All in all, this is a great story, Tank!
