Okay, here's the deal.

I'm getting ready to head out of town for the weekend. I'm going to hit a small comic book convention in Des Moines.

When I get back on Sunday I will post the final part. There will be no 'Tank Ending' (of course one could say that any ending Tank writes would be a Tank Ending). What you read will be what happens. There will be no cliff hanger (mostly because I couldn't make the final big scene come at the end of an instalment). I know this will dilute the excitement of anticipation for some of the gentle readers but I never intended this story to be this long in the first place.

So, there you have it. Come Sunday evening, the 'big' finish to this story will be posted. As to whether Lois and/or Clark will live happily ever after? That remains to be seen.

Will Lois' last ditch plan work?
Will Superman be found?
Will Lois be forced to make the heroic sacrifice?
Will Griffin keep his word if she does?
Does anyone actually care?

All these questions, and more will be answered on Sunday evening.

Have fun!

Tank (who has always thought that Lois was the more heroic of the pair, after all she consistantly puts herself 'on the line' to expose the bad guys without the advantage of super powers to protect her)