Tank, I absolutely love your heroic, smart, brave, resourceful, determined, loyal Lois. What a heroine she is!

I loved seeing her sneak out of her apartment without being noticed, and calling Henderson at his home. I loved her talk with Griffin - though Griffin himself certainly horrified me - and her ability to persuade Griffin to allow her to go public with the information that Superman was being held hostage and to allow her to replace Clark with Henderson on the firing squad. I loved how Lois is apparently coming up with a plan to survive the firing squad. More than anything, I think I loved this:

Perry shook his head vehemently. "Now, Lois, you can't go there. You can't measure your worth against Superman."

"Why can't I? Believe me, I have a very high opinion of myself and the good that I do as an investigative reporter. I'm proud of what I've been able to accomplish in the few years I've worked here. But do the math, Chief, it's not exactly close."
What I love best of all about this quote is that you, Tank, just possibly consider Lois as much of a hero as Superman... and I love you for thinking so! sloppy

But I was extremely horrified at this:

"Have you seen the latest phone in polls that LNN is touting? Ninety-eight per cent of the good citizens of Metropolis are for allowing the execution to take place tomorrow."
Ninety-eight per cent!!! eek

I can certainly understand that ninety-eight per cent of the citizens of Metropolis would rather save Superman than Lois. But the idea that ninety-eight per cent of the Metropolitans would be in favor of a (public) execution of Lois Lane in order to save Superman... now that makes my skin crawl.

Well, Tank, I'm so eager to see the resolution of this! (But if you end it all with a Tank ending, where Lois dies - or where Superman dies, for that matter - then I'll... I'll... I'll post no feedback on the last chapter!!! How's that for a threat? wildguy )
