Yay! Tank's back!

Okay, I have absolutely no time to read at this precise moment... but I'm putting this story on my "to read" list and just as soon as I get this part read, I'll be back with fdk.


-- DJ


Oooooh! I'm back! And I'm totally hooked! I can't wait to see what the 2nd thing is that the Prankster has in store for Lois. How fitting this story is with the upcoming Alt-Kerths. <g> And of course we all knew that you couldn't get through the story without Lois getting a haircut. Poor Lois - I imagine tar would be about as difficult, if not more so, than bubble gum (which I managed to get caught in my hair one night when I felt asleep with it in my mouth) It took a lot of peanut butter, but we finally got it out. <g>

So, when is part 2???

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.