Hi everyone! I'm so glad everyone enjoyed the ending. I know several people have called it a "Dallas dream" but seriously... I thought Clark needed to have at least one dream in this story... and I could totally see him worrying about Lois while she slept... wondering just what might have been lost and whether or not she would be okay.


Woody. Thanks for the "Grand Finale" finish. <g> Your fdk was so sweet... awwww. Thank you. I'm so glad you enjoyed the mixing of plots. And I'd write with Sue any day of the week. <g> It was a pleasure and I had a great time. Thanks.

Hi Ann! I hope you are having fun this weekend. Thanks for your sweet words. I've loved being here. And no, no obituary for Babbles... she's just off on some tropic island drinking martinis and sending me post cards that say "wish you were here"... don't worry, she'll miss me... eventually. <g>

I'm glad you were able to enjoy Dan <g> that was my goal - to get people to feel for Dan. <g> I always kind of liked him <ducks from the rotten fruit> I just didn't want to see him with Lois.

And I'm glad you enjoyed the waff. <hug> Thanks for the hug (oh, and all that chocolate, though I'm loathing my treadmill now).

Hi Jackie! You know, I just figured maybe it was. <g> Glad you loved it! Thanks!

Hi Sue! WHAT?! Not much? <DJ rolls her eyes and reaches through her DSL line to smack Sue>

Oh how I loved those snarky remarks. <g> HEY! I am not a heshe! Or a himher either! <snort> I really am going to need counseling after this. LOL.

ROTFL at your list of philosophical questions. Those were so interesting to ponder. Heh. But as someone mentions later in the thread... it was a crystal CANDLESTICK... remember? Not a vase! Yes, of course a vase might break. But a heavy crystal candlestick... nope. Nope, trust me. <snort>k

<hugs> Thank you, Sue! I had an absolutely spectacular time.

Poor Lara! I hope you are feeling better today. I used to have earaches all the time when I was a kid, they are no fun. I will look forward to you hopefully coming back when you feel better. I'm glad you enjoyed that final proposal. <g> Thanks for the "great ending to a great story".

Hi Jojo! LOL! It actually wasn't a vase at all <DJ glares at Sue> wink It was a candlestick <snort - it was Ms. Scarlet, in the library, with the candlestick> LOL. Ahem... I look forward to further fdk. <g>

Hi Malu! <sigh> It really wasn't meant to be a cop-out. I had that dream planned from early on in the story (or a dream like it). But I'm so glad you loved the story. Thanks for reading and replying.

Hi James! Yay! Forgiveness is cleansing to the soul <snort> even an evil soul like mine. Heh.

Hi Laura S! Awwww, thank you for that sweet fdk. I know, I'm a little sniffly sitting here typing these replies and realizing it's all over. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Thanks.

Hi Jen! LOL at the "oh, mighty evil one". <snort> Poor Mandy, you really wanted her to be sinister and evil? We didn't have enough bad guys for you??? <g>

LOL. In part 11, Lois tears out some pages in her journal and writes "Tax Info 1995" on them so she won't be tempted to open them later. <g>

Yes, sniffle, all over. I'm so glad you loved it. Yes, break time... but yes, I will be back. Thanks. <g>

Hi Babsi! Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it and loved the story. Awwww, thank you for the great writer -- I have to share that with Sue. She has shown me and taught me so much. Thanks!

Hi Symbolic! I'm so glad you enjoyed the ride and the waffy ending. Thanks for reading and commenting.

Hi Beethoven! LOL! I'm glad you enjoyed the rollercoaster. And what fountain of interesting information you are <g> And you're right... it was sort of related. <g> Thanks for reading and commenting.

Hi Nancy! <snort> You all should know me by now well enough to know I just love "dream sequences". I put them in a lot of fics. <g> Thanks for the "wonderful waffy ending" comment and for reading and all the fdk you've given us.

Yes, it was a candlestick - a heavy crystal candlestick. <g> And yes, you are right - the tax info was actually notes ripped from the journal. <g>

ACK! And here I thought I could just let that sequel die a horrible fiery death and no one would miss it. <sigh> Apparently I was wrong. I actually did write almost 120 pages of it way back in October before I started this story... but then I wasn't happy with it... and it sat... and Babbles got bored with it and started writing this and well... Oh look! What's that? Over there? It's red and blue and...

<DJ sneaks off while Nancy is preoccupied>

Hi Cristina! <whew> Nice to know I'm off the hook. Thank you. I'll be watching for those other comments. <g>

LOL! Hello again Beethoven. <g>

And hello again Malu! Yes, thank you for posting that part from part 11.

<DJ reads the quoted part and feels her jaw drop>


She was about to write Under that she wrote ‘Do not open until’... until when?
How did I EVER miss that horrific grammar? ACK!

<DJ runs back to check the story and fix it... is surprised to find that the mistake is not in the story...runs off to check the post for part 11...>

Ahhhhh.... I see what the problem was! I can blame it all on Sue! Eeeee, hee hee! Part 11 was the part Sue posted while I was on vacation. Yes, that's right Sue, your apprentice has turned against you and is blaming the typo all on you. <g>

<DJ shakes her head at herself, knowing that she is going to get slapped for this later...>

Thank you again so much EVERYONE! I had a blast and you were all great. Thanks for all the comments and fun times. <g>

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.