the Nuremberg code mentioned above was not what I was thinking of,
In actuality the Nuremberg Code was in reaction to Dr Mengele, of the Nazi's

Milgram's experiments were done along the lines of following authority, and is FOLLOWING ORDERS a reasonable defence... resulting in the reduction of responsibility

Milgram was interested in the NUREMBERG trials, as the Nazi officers used this defence countless times, but was not associated with the development of the NUREMBERG CODE in the way I think I may of (accidentally) implied

The 2 are distinct events in the history of Experimental Ethics, and although linked through their foundations/inspirations in a horrific period in history, are NOT LINKED POLITICALLY

Another aside from the LBC dictionary of unrelated facts ,

You can't have MANSLAUGHTER without LAUGHTER

The Neuroscientist: Eating glass makes you smart...do you want to see what you can learn?