I agree, what a tease. We are going to get to see them kiss in this story, yes? OK, I'll be patient for part 4 ... grumble

But at least the pie seemed to be working and loosening him up. It was no kryptonite, but it came as close to rendering her invulnerable son vulnerable as anything else. At least it seemed to be rendering him talkative. Which was really what she was after.
I love Martha. Hmm, Kryptonite, Lois and pie - yep, that works. laugh
"You think I should tell her? Really? You’re the last person I ever expected to say that," Clark said. "What’s changed?"

"What’s changed is that you’re not happy," Jonathan said, pausing long enough to hold his son’s gaze. "You love her. You want her in your life. Maybe it’s time to go for broke."
I love this bit from Jonathan. He's always so quiet and understated. It's lovely how you have his concern about Clark's happiness override his cautious nature.

Nice effect, having Lois so determined to win that she chastizes Clark for his choice of clothing.
"Okay," he said, seeing what he was up against. He took off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves, careful that the blue spandex ones went first. "How about now?"
Um, Clark? Have you considered the fact that Lois might just figure out who you are if she feels the suit under your clothes? He doesn't really think that they can kiss all day and Lois won't touch his chest, does he? She's sure to feel the S-symbol there...
Perry wanted me to come and take some pictures...you know, gather a little intel--er, information," Jimmy corrected himself
"Just because it’s reliable doesn’t mean it’s boring. Sure, it isn’t...flashy or...rich enough to own an airplane, but you can count on it. It will always be there for you."

He watched as her amused scowl was slowly replaced with a confused frown. For his part, he was still reviewing the choice of words that had fallen from his mouth. Whatever had possessed him...?

"Did you just say that car isn't rich enough to own an airplane?" Lois had her hands on her hips, her head tilted. She certainly wasn’t studying the selection of vehicles any more.
shock Oops. Clark has absorbed her babble and can no longer control his mouth.
Her voice joined the others for a couple of counts, but her smile quickly faded when she caught the small smile of nervous anticipation on Clark's face, and the strange look of longing…

All at once, she was transported to a time months ago when she'd seen that same longing. A time when...

She swallowed past the lump in her throat when the day at the park so many months ago came rushing to the forefront of her mind, barraging her with memories. Larger than life, she could see that look he'd had as he'd professed his love for her.

The very same look he had right now.
Poor Clark.

I'm with Clark - I hope kissing Lois all day works to bring her around. She'll have almost an hour of uninterupted kissing to contemplate the significance of seeing the same look on Clark's face today as when he professed his love. I'm sure she'll realize that he was lying before and that her feelings are returned.

Can't wait for tomorrow's post.