Another great part! I think this little snippet was actually my favorite:

"I said I loved her. Then I said I didn't." Absently, he pushed his fork through the crumbs on his plate, and Martha grimaced at the scratches he was putting into Jonathan's mother's china.

Then again, she had never particularly cared for Jonathan's mother…
Oh, so delightful! So Clark! So Martha! And thank you so much for passing on that little tidbit of gossip about Martha and Jonathan's mother.... rotflol rotflol rotflol

And the kissing contest is about to start. Something tells me that CC, friend of the Earth, won't allow Erin to let Lois win another gas-guzzler. I think the pierced kids are going to win the car, probably. (Though you know, CC, the car will pollute the air just as badly if it is driven by those kids....) But there can be little doubt that the kissing contest will do wonders for Clark and Lois's relationship!
