Well, since I called this thread "Best Revelation Scene Ever", let's cut straight to the chase:

Ignoring his reluctance, she threw open a closet and pulled out a pair of Clark's jeans and his favourite T-shirt, and then grabbed a spare pair of glasses from a drawer. “Put these on.”


“Superman, you said you'd do anything for me. This is what I'm asking you.”

He hesitated, then took the pile of clothing from her. He disappeared into the bathroom, returning mere seconds later dressed in what she'd given him. She frowned, then reached out and finger-combed his hair into place, then drew him over to the bedroom mirror.

He stared at his reflection with an expression of disbelief. Clark Kent looked back at him.
Superman, you are Clark Kent! Look, you really are!!! goofy

“All's well that ends well.” He smiled, then bent to brush his lips over hers. “For the other Lois and Clark, too. I'm glad about that.”

“Me too. I'd hate for any Lois not to have her Clark. You're pretty indispensable to us, you know that?”

“Ditto.” He kissed her again. And, seconds later, she'd completely forgotten what they were talking about.
Aaawww!!! sloppy sloppy sloppy

Hope you're okay with my wild cosmological speculations, Wendy. I'm an astronomy buff, after all. This story was a wild and fun ride, and very sweet and WAFFy in the end!
