Hey Nan, wonderful conclusion. clap

From Nan's post above:
Obviously, Mortie, the time cop, used his memory device on our Lois, convincing her that it was all a dream, but even she isn't completely sure of that.
It's an interesting take that post-Luthor Lois could have a dream of Clark-being-Superman and still think it's just a dream. I always thought that all Lois really needed was a clue to his dual identity and his disguise wouldn't be effective anymore. I suppose if she was still in denial, she'd want it to be a dream so she could keep her Superman fantasy. However, I got the feeling from part 1 that Lois was more aware of her feelings for her Clark and would have been able to put the pieces together. huh Still enjoyed your story, though.

It was great as is, but I would't complain if there were a sequal to either universe (or both wink )