What a wonderful, sweet, WAFFy story.
“What’s bothering me is that you’re my best friend and I’m not supposed to have feelings for you but I do, and if I do anything about them I put our friendship and partnership at risk and I can’t do that, because I can’t stand to lose you, and the more I try to tell myself that I don’t have feelings for you, the stronger they get, and every time I convince myself that I don’t have them I see you and I get butterflies in my stomach and I feel like I’m fifteen again! And then you touch my arm or my shoulder and I get shivers down my spine, and... and... I didn’t ask for this and I hate this!” I didn’t know I could speak this fast.
drool Oh, uh, yeah. FDK. Love the kiss.
I think I might keep this mouth of mine after all.

“Shut up,” I whisper back and, wrapping my arms around his neck, pull him down again.
Love the last line. It could read that she's telling Clark to shut up or that she's instructing her own mouth to quit while they are both ahead.

Thanks for sharing,