I loved this story. How do you people write such short stories? Mine run on for ages - I should know - everyone complains.

They’re supposed to be talking about the Church case, but they’re not. I can tell. The Church case is not that funny.
Ha ha ha. I can so see her thinking this. "They shouldn't be laughing + Church case not that funny = flirting!!!" I love it! Great way to start.

I go back to typing. ‘As well as the police, a statement was issued-‘

“-by this little park, they serve the best desserts.”
I have a mental image of Lois typing away and because she is listening in on their conversation, typing parts of their conversation in as well into the story.

She’s talking about desserts. Bill Church doesn’t own a restaurant. Not one I’d go to, if he did, anyway.
You did it again. I love it when people show how logic works in people's brains. Not many writers do it. You read mystery novels and crime fiction, don't you? You must do or you'd never put this in as often as you do. (See, there's they way logic works in my brain for you!)

Just as I turn to say something, I see Mayson walk over, swishing her blonde mane of straw. “Hey, Clark, I’m going out to lunch now. Want to join me?” she asks with a falsely hesitant smile. I sneer inwardly.

And that’s when I snap. “Clark is busy,” I say firmly.

He shoots me a warning look. “Sorry, Mayson, no – we have some work to do here,” he then says to her. She looks disappointed.

“Oh, well, it’s okay. Tomorrow, then, maybe?” She sounds hopeful.

I crush her hopes before he says anything. “No, sorry, he’s busy tomorrow too.”

She looks at me, puzzled, and then looks at him again.

Clark is looks ticked. Maybe at me, maybe at her. Probably a bit of both. Okay, probably me. He searches for words and then says, “It looks like we’re having a busy week, but we’ll see.” He wears an apologetic expression.
Ok, long quote sorry. But I love, absolutely love the bit about Mayson's hair. This whole Clark goes for blondes thing really ticks her off. It works because you know Lois knows that she is gorgeous and intelligent but that she can feel insecure over something like the possibility that the men she wants would rather have someone else who is different to her in a way that she has less control over. Like one could dye one's hair or change clothes but Clark going for blondes or blondes going for Clark seems to suggest to her that he wants a completely different kind of package than what she is. Something she has no control over and so she is insecure.

And also I love the fact that she is clearly jumping in and marking territory and that she knows Clark will go along with her even though he'll get angry with her for doing it and that she is taking advantage of it.

He looks shocked. “Flirting? Is that what you think? Interviewing females is now called flirting?”
Actually, if I were Lois (good thing I am not because I would have been dating Clark already if I was) but if I were her at this point I would have turned around and informed him that it's amazing what people construe as flirting these days. I have been told that if I laugh at another man's jokes, it can be seen as flirting. Talking to another man can be flirting when you are spoken for. Makes dealing with the opposite sex rather difficult?

“Conference room,” he says quietly, and leads me there.

I imagine the whole newsroom is looking at us as we make our way.

Once we’re in the privacy of the conference room, Clark lets go. I feel a little chilly. He looks at me. “Okay, the blinds are down, we’re out of their sight. What’s wrong?”
I love this bit because it shows how much he knows, how well he can read the situation and her, how in tune they can be to each other. Sadly though it is so easy to hurt another person when you are closest to them - you know where to hit and when.

“Lois.” He gives me one of his I-know-you-and-don’t-you-try-to-pretend-I-don’t looks.
I wish we could somehow reproduce exactly the way Clark says her name when he gives her that look because it is just awesome.

I sense him stepping closer to me, and before I can do anything about it he tilts my chin up with his fingers and... kisses me. For real. Hard. I breathe hard; he caught me off guard.

My eyes close, and a couple of tears run down my face into my – our – mouths.
Go, Clark! Go, Clark! *does cheerleading dance* At least he did the right thing there. And kudos to you for not failing to describe reality there with what happens to the tears and all because she was crying before etc. clap

And I love that she tells him to shut up at the end. That is awesome. Way to go.


The Little Tornado.

The Little Tornado is ....

Marisa Wikramanayake
Freelance Writer & Editor,
Board Member of SoEWA and Writing WA