Note - there is a second version of this that may perhaps be posted some days later, some other place on these boards...

<DJ whistles nonchalantly as she strolls out of the thread>
DJ!!! You're torturing us!!!

Wow!!! That was so... so sweet and sexy. Wowzers.

Her thoughts were so hazy that she barely recognized her voice as she said, “I guess I better get up.”

Please don’t say yes, she begged him.

“Yeah, I guess so,” he agreed hesitantly.

Please don’t get up, he begged her.
Adorable!!! Irresistible!!! smile1

Clark couldn’t believe this was happening. Lois had not only allowed him to kiss her and touch her, but she was now kissing him and touching him in return. Her hands slid along the wet fabric of his champagne soaked shirt. His stomach hollowed out and his breathing quickened when her fingers began undoing the buttons of his shirt. She was undressing him!

That one act would be enough to feed his dreams for the rest of his life.

She lifted her body from his enough to untuck his shirt before she finished unbuttoning it. She spread it open and leaned down to press her lips to the frantic beat of his heart. She kissed her way down his chest to his abdomen, pressing her lips in a feather light kiss that made his stomach tremble at her touch.
This quote is so lovely, though you could have made still more of it in the nfic folder....*sigh*

<I’m top banana and that’s the way I like it… comprende?>

<You like to be on top. Got it.>

Lois blushed. Maybe he understood her better than she thought.
Perfect!!! smile1

“I, uh, don’t seem to, um, have the strength to move,” she murmured quietly.

Clark swallowed. “Do you need help?”

“Yes.” Lois blushed fiercely. How could she have said that?
smile1 smile1 smile1

This was Clark. He was her best friend. He had always loved her and protected her – he would never use her or abuse her. Clark cared more about her feelings than his own. He would never take what he wanted from her and throw her away. He wouldn’t. And in that instant she realized something. This wasn’t an almost first date…

She had been dating him all along.
Oh, so sweet... *sigh*

Lois knew him. She’d spent the last year and a half learning him. She had been dating him all along – only she hadn’t realized it. This wasn’t their first date. This was more like their first opportunity… their first prospect for something more.
Right, it's their first opportunity... so "Carpe Diem", eh?

She smiled wistfully as she realized that if you put a spandex suit on him, he could do a great imitation of…


Surely not…

Clark watched as recognition dawned on her features. His first thought was ‘what have I done’?
I guess you told her, Clark. I'm so glad you did!

And then another thought came to him.

How was he ever going to top this almost first date?
Seriously? You're asking? Okay, come over here and I'll whisper the answer to you....
wink drool
