Part of me wants to Aarrgghh! and the other part is commiserating with Lois. Getting married is huge, especially when your parents gave such a crappy example.
What had she been thinking? She had been so focused on getting Clark to see the implications of them being apart that she had failed to think about what would happen once they were together.
Loved this. It took me at least a week after my wedding day before the phrase "Oh, my God, we're married" stopped running through my head. blush

Loved the white-water rapids scene. I haven't done that since I was a teenager and I loved it. The Snake River has some fun spots. hyper

Lois sighed loudly to try and break the silence. She knew it was wrong for her to feel so trapped by the easy intimacy of the past few days. The way he had made love to her was everything she had ever wanted. Clark would do anything for her - she knew that. Would she do anything for him? Was she just getting cold feet over the whole commitment thing? Was that her problem?
That whole vulnerability thing that comes with loving someone else sucks, eh?

Oh, and LOL at Lois falling into the river. rotflol