I had to do some searching before I read this one. because I saw "Scream 2 (1/2)" first and I said 'huh?" I thought it was 2/2 a few minutes ago before I did my search.

[EDIT - oh wait, Labrat fixed it. My confusion is gone.]

There was a scream written in 2003 so I was looking for an old story...now I understand and feel so silly! This is the part I was looking for. I’m happy that there is more for me to read!

I felt like I jumped in the deep end. Already into the mix of things. I think I have to read it again because I didn't have enough time to get afraid or all angst up. (Hubbie is distracting me with his camera.) I have nothing against having to read something again! HEHE!

Hmmm, I wonder what part 2 will be like. A frantic Clark trying to get Lois to spill the beans? Just thinking about it I'm afraid! The thought of being freaked out enough to scream is horrifying now that I think about it.

She should never have come alone.
Ah c'mon Lois. You should have brought him anyways because he's good to look at. On a more serious note, she should listen to her Editor more! <thinking> A concerned Clark is a sexy Clark.

"I should cancel my upcoming cruise on the Yangtze River?" Lois tried to look bored.
Oh! smile1 Snippet of classic Lois. I can just see the look on her face. thumbsup

"We're supposed to make you scream," Shortly added and cracked his knuckles.

"Why?" Lois made one last stab at bravado even as her legs began to shake.
"Why?" Such a simple response and good. Keep up the brave face Lois! I'm sure though her mind is either racing with the possibilities or blank and assessing the situation like a snake ready for the next move. I'm glad I'm not her at the moment.

Lois screamed.
My mind is VERY curious now. Gee, I have the luxury of reading the next part, but I can't stop typing up FDK. A little incoherent and choppy, but here you go.

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.