I loved the part with Clark, Lois, Martha, Jonathan and Becca. These are some of my favorite quotes:

Clark left Lois alone in the living room and made his way up to Becca’s room. From afar, he heard Lois sigh with frustration. From the sounds of it, he could tell that she was wrapping herself in his blankets, trying to calm down. She muttered a curse which Clark could only second.
The time is out of joint; O cursed spite, that ever I was born to set it right! Hamlet, you know. Couldn't resist. Both Lois and Clark are softly cursing - I guess Clark is only mentally cursing - because he has to set things right with Becca when he could have snuggled with Lois instead!

“I dreamed that someone came to take me away from you,” she mumbled. “I couldn’t even say goodbye. It was just like Belle and her father in ‘Beauty and the Beast’ when she offers the Beast to stay if he lets her father go.”
At first I thought that Becca had dreamt that she would have to share Clark with Lois, and to her this sharing would have meant that she lost him. It would have been bad indeed if she had felt that badly about Clark and Lois. Fortunately, she "only" dreamt that the Child Services took her away from Clark. Hopefully, Clark and Lois can make sure that that won't happen.

Clark was painfully aware of the effect telling his little whirlwind about Lois might have on Becca.
This may sound harsh, but... Becca will just have to accept Lois, as long as Lois does her very best to be a respectful and considerate stepmother.

When Clark returned to the living room, Lois was still wrapped up in his blanket. She lay on the sofa and was fast asleep. She looked like a princess, no matter where she was. On Lois’ face was a peaceful smile, she seemed incredibly relaxed considering what he had done to her.
Aaawwww.... I love how he loves her when he's looking at her.

He still suffered from a strong feeling of loss. Knowing that it had been right to stop their amorous play before they got more serious wasn’t making it any easier. His body ached for her kisses, it ached for more. He was bound to live with the images in his head now. He sighed silently.
And I love how much he wants to hold her and kiss her and make love to her... <happy sigh>

The sofa wasn’t really uncomfortable, but flying was better. She would be better off going back to her bed, but he didn’t have the heart to wake her, much less the courage. He just couldn’t do it the rude way, which was calling her name. The soft and gentle way would only lead to further problems. Kissing her awake as the prince had kissed Sleeping Beauty wouldn’t be an innocent kiss. Clark wasn’t sure whether there was anything connected to touching her that wouldn’t drive him insane, just like a single drop of alcohol was doom to an alcoholic.
I totally adore this, how Clark doesn't dare to touch Lois right now, because he wouldn't be able to stop himself from kissing and caressing her, and also...*happy sigh*. I much appreciate the Sleeping Beauty image and the way you compare Clark's love for Lois with an alcoholic's craving for alcohol.

Lois’ even breathing next to him and her steady heartbeat unified to the sweetest lullaby that anyone would ever have the pleasure to hear. Just a little later, he was sleeping as well.
Aaaawww... *happy sigh*

A scream brought Clark’s dreams to a sudden end. He almost crashed into his mother’s favorite vase. He managed to stop his fall just barely an inch above it. Lois stared at him, open-mouthed. He should have known. A partner who floated in his sleep wasn’t actually something common. Clark cursed himself for not having told her about this habit of his. He bit his lip and got a safe distance from the vase before he set his feet on the ground.

“I didn’t mean to scare you, Lois,” he said. “I… you were sleeping and I didn’t want to wake you.”

“You were floating.” She gasped, still staring at him, amazed.
This is funny. goofy

Lois, on the other hand, had just been introduced to a new interesting side of Clark Kent. A smile appeared on her face and there was a gleaming in her eyes that was hardly visible. But what Clark could see of it was telling him that Lois was enjoying the idea of knowing something about Superman’s sleeping habits. Lois had seen him in a way that no one else would be able to witness.
I adore this reaction from Lois! thumbsup clap Hey, we so need an icon of that!

As for the rest of the chapter... you know about me and A-plots, Barbara. I could see it had to do with a criminal named Hugh Danes who was going to use Kryptonite on Clark. <shudders> All I can say is - well, as a Swede, I'm glad that the badguy is named Danes, at least. Hey, are there any Danes around? Wave if you are here - and please forgive me for rejoicing at Hugh Danes' name....
