oooh - you posted! *happy dance* kicking myself for not sending comments back to you earlier tonight, though... razz

A glance through the door and all he saw was a flutter of the cape as Lois let out a muffled plea of "no, stop." His entire body went rigid as he realized what was happening. He raised his hand to knock on the door but it splintered at his touch. Clark pushed past the remaining wood and rushed over to the struggling figures on the sofa. He lifted the faux Superman from Lois and tossed him against the other loveseat hard enough that it broke.
Excuse me, please, while I squee... /me loves Angry!Clark as much as /me hates clones! Yay for Angry!Clark!!! clap

She had walked for over an hour, wandering aimlessly as her mind tried to make sense of the most frightening and bizarre night of her life. Suddenly her feet stopped and she looked up at the building beside her. Of course she had come here.
Loved this. smile That the one place she would thing of going to - even when she's not even thinking about where she's going - is Clark's place. *happy sigh*

It wasn't the Suit that made Clark Superman - it was his desire to help others by any means possible.
This is just so excellent!
I like how she comes to the realization that Clark is who he is, just before that line, too. But that one line... Magnificent! smile

Lois fervently wished she could just fall apart for a little while.
awww! mecry

"Not him." She shook her head against his chest. "I didn't mean him. You. You're so strong. And I'm not. I'm really not." She looked up at him and her teary eyes seemed to be pleading with him. "You're the only one who knows that."

Understanding dawned on him. From the first she had always been in such tight control of her emotions. He had seen rare glimpses of the softness underneath and he had loved her all the more for them. Only now did he realize that her tears were the one thing she had never shown Superman.

"I'll never tell," he promised.
Awwww!!!! *waffy sigh* /me transforms into a puddle of goo on the floor.

I have only one thing left to say about this story: notworthy

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies