Hey DJ, welcome!

You've summed up Lois' dilemma and her thought process about it very well. Here's a gal who was never attractive to guys, was burned by the one guy she thought was different, get abducted and loses years of her life...Mr. Right (Clark) comes along, all of sudden, good looking men are finding her sexy and attractive...and she gets an indecent proposal from one of them.

On the one hand, she's not married to Clark yet and she doesn't want to disappear in the time stream again or have his life at risk. Lex Luthor is a powerful man who isn't issuing an idle bluff. He gives her no time to think things thru.

Lex is totally evil here. He's jealous of Clark's powers and goodness, Tempus has fueled his hatred, and this is the one thing that he can do that will truly hurt him (just like on Smallville, Lex wants to marry Lana so he can rub it in his face).

Somehow, it's going to be a good thing that Bruce Wayne was around today.

I have two chapters to resolve this -and if it's not to our beloved FOLCs' satisfaction, I dare never post another fic on this board LOL!


"Together we are stronger than each of us is apart"