<DJ waves>

Hi Chris.

I must say that I have woefully little time to read very many stories. I mostly stick to vignettes. I wait and read longer stories once they are posted to the archive...but even then, I seem to have this long, long, long long long list that I haven't gotten to yet.


I do read other people's fdk from time to time. I do love reading the FoLCs fdk. So imagine how my curiosity got peeked when I read the fdk for this chapter (I've read fdk for some of your other chapters as well... yes, I know it's like peeking at the end of the book before reading it, but, well, what can I say? -- I do that too. blush )


The fdk intrigued me, so I went and read this part of your fic.

I'm very intrigued over the situation you've put our poor Lois in. Wouldn't most of us do anything we could to protect the man that we love? I know I would. But cheat on them? Shades of Indecent Proposal come to mind. All too often, when women cheat on their husbands/significant others due to blackmail or whatever else just to "save them", it ends up backfiring. Their mate just can't seem to get past the act of cheating. Would Clark be able to get past it? Because I just somehow know he would find out. Or, even worse, I wouldn't expect Lex to be a gentleman about it. Lex wants to see his arch rival devastated. He'd make sure Clark found out.

But I understand why Lois is hesitant to come out and tell Clark what happened. She thinks she can save him, make things right, if she does this. I'm sure she thinks if she tells Clark, he won't allow her to go through with hit. Plus, she wouldn't want him to know.

She could tell Bruce, though, maybe Bruce could offer some clear-headed advice and help.

Anyway, I actually had some time this morning to offer some fdk (my muse is woefully unwilling to cooperate with me this morning and give me something decent to write).


-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.