Oh, I'm sure Bruce was carrying her, Mary! He's Batman, remember?

Like Maria, I was really scared to find out that Lex and Nigel knew everything about what Lois had done on his field of Kryptonite fertilizers, and how Batman had saved her. And they knew about LabRat, too! Imagine, Dog24!!! grumble Does that mean that Lex and Nigel have at least twentey-three other dogs like LabRat?

“About twenty minutes, Mr. Luthor. Do you expect to keep your interview appointment with the Lane woman?”

“Not only am I keeping the appointment, Nigel... I am absolutely thrilled to meet her. Ms. Lane and I may be quite… inseparable… if you know what I mean.”
Awful!!! That mustn't happen, Chris!

And wouldn't you know that there would be a hostage situation that would keep Clark occupied, now that Lois is in danger?

I, too, love how Bruce is attracted even to a plus-size Lois, and Lois isn't wasting the opportunity to ogle Bruce a bit. At the same time, though, it's so obvious that Clark is the one she loves.

Lois blushed. “You’re just eye candy until my man comes back, Mr. Wayne,” she sassed. “Go get ready, I don’t have all day.”

Bruce grinned. Lois Lane was definitely one of a kind. He suddenly realized that it was the first time he had found himself attracted to a plus-size woman. Her personality was irresistible, as was the fire that burned inside those big brown eyes!
Oh, how sweet!

Bruce came back in and handed Lois the hanger holding her new suit and shoes. “Here. I hope it fits. I”ll pay the bill for the coffee and disappear. When you come out of the rest room, go into the lounge and wait for Luthor. I’ll be watching, don’t worry. Take this,” he said, placing a ring in the palm of her hand. “If you start to feel that things are falling apart, rub the gem and it will send me a signal.”

“Cool gadgets, Batman,” she whispered to him, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek. “You’re really a wonderful guy, Bruce. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. I wouldn’t want to ruin your reputation,” Lois winked.
Bruce is sure handy to have around!

Like Maria, I loved this part:

Lex Luthor was somewhat surprised at his first glimpse of the infamous Lois Lane. She was more attractive than he had thought she would be. He had read all the articles about her when she had gone missing. Extremely unflattering photos of a *very* overweight Lois Lane had been plastered all over the tabloids, as well as pictures of a slimmer doppelganger of her that had mysteriously appeared and disappeared a few years later.

The Lois Lane that appeared before Lex Luthor now was still a bit on the heavy side, but classy, wearing an expensive business suit with a “Metro” hair style. Her big brown eyes shone with intelligence and spirit. It seemed almost impossible that this woman was the one in the satellite pictures from an hour or two ago. How did she clean up so fast? Yes, this woman offered him intrigue. He changed his strategy and decided he would go along for the ride and see where it would take him.
And like Mary, I have to say it's great to see that even a plus-size Lois is attractive to all men! laugh

Ah, but... there are two chapers left. What will happen in the penultimate chapter? Will Lex try to do something horrible to Lois?

Come back soon with more, please!
