Oh! Yes Please! More! MOre! MORE!!!!!
iit was fanastic...
great characterisation....

you really know the scientist... much more important to not stuff up the experiment! huh (and I've stuffed up a few... it is no fun writing "our experiment didnt work out... next time, I will make sure I turn the other way before sneezing on the DNA matching tests... especially the DNA tests on murder charges....If only i was a nuclear physisicist... they do all their work behind lead doors....) LOL it was never THAT bad,

but it is my worst nightmare if i were to do that...

your story was great, if you forgot in this LL attampt at a sentence that ends up rambling longer and longer, with no point to it at all whatsoever

You can't have MANSLAUGHTER without LAUGHTER

The Neuroscientist: Eating glass makes you smart...do you want to see what you can learn?