Didn't they realize what was at stake here? The world needed their superhero. And he needed clothes.
Oh, that was a good laugh, Sara, thank you! (/me wipes away tears.)

There must be a room or something behind the wine rack! Clark Kent had been hiding something from her. From everyone. She rushed over to the wooden structure and started feeling along the walls. There had to be some sort of catch or hinge that opened it.
I love this. Lois breaks in to get clothes for Superman, who is sitting in her apartment *naked*, and she gets distracted by something she feels the need to investigate. That is so ... Lois!

Ok, so we have two options here. Lois will either realize that Clark is Superman, especially in light of Clark's absence, or she will assume that Clark is holding suits for Superman. I hope it will be the first but since we have three more chapters to go it will probably be the second. wink

Great start, Sara. I love it already. Post again soon!

lisa in the sky with diamonds